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New Year-Better You... 5 Tips for Self-Improvement

New Year-Better You... 5 Tips for Self-Improvement

Happy 2021! We’ve all been waiting for this new year, right?! While New Year’s resolutions may be out, self-improvement is always in. Let’s start the year with a “January Reset” by focusing on healthy ways to become a better version of ourselves. Try the following 5 anxiety free tips to improve your life and self…

Wake Up Early

There’s a lot of truth to “the early bird catches the worm”. You’ll be more productive than if you wake up late. This sets your mind that you need to start moving-allowing time to do more valuable things, like exercise. Consistency is habit forming, especially with exercise. Waking up early and getting a workout in before the rest of the world needs you means you’re more likely to exercise regularly. Becoming an “early bird” routinely helps you to reap the benefits of regular exercise, such as increased immunity, longevity, and a better mood.


This practice gets rid of mind clutter. Start with just one minute a day. Pair it with something else, like a cup of coffee. Take a pause to see how you feel. Congratulate yourself! Research shows that people who celebrate a behavior are more likely to repeat it. Meditation can give you a real sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your overall health and well-being.

Never Stop Learning

Always try to expand your knowledge as much as you can to help improve yourself. Learning new things, like a language, hobby or math game, and challenging your brain creates new brain cells. Not only does this help with self-improvement, it keeps your brain healthy to help fend off dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Eliminate Bad Habits

Be the best version of yourself! Eliminate smoking, overeating, negative thinking, or anything that’s bringing you down. If healthy eating is a struggle for you, consider a lifestyle approach in the Mediterranean Diet. It’s focus is on plant-based foods, fish/poultry, healthy fats, herbs, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds. This is not a gimmick and the health benefits are many. Your lungs, heart, waistline and mental health will thank you!

Be Kind

Negativity is a distraction. Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem and improve mood, while decreasing blood pressure and cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Kindness can positively change your brain too. It boosts serotonin and dopamine which are the feel-good hormones and ignites the pleasure/reward centers of your brain. Showing kindness, even with a simple smile, can go a long way!

Dawn DavoliDawn Davoli, Registered Dietitian is a frequent presenter at the Excela Health Mall Walkers program and also provides education through public speaking engagements and the school based program “Healthy Habits”.Healthy Habits Logo