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Lymphedema Therapy

Physical Rehabilitation Services You Can Trust

We understand the challenges faced by patients living with lymphedema. Our dedicated physical rehabilitation team offers comprehensive lymphedema therapy designed to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. We will review your medical history, perform a functional assessment, and evaluate your lifestyle demands to determine the best methods of treatment for your specific needs.

What Is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a chronic condition that causes swelling in the body's tissues, typically affecting the arms or legs. There is no known cure, but there are effective treatments available that focus on reducing the swelling and controlling symptoms. Our lymphedema therapy services include the following and more:

  • Evaluation of individual and functional limitations
  • Decongestive massage
  • Manual lymph drainage
  • Compression bandaging
  • Proper skin care instructions
  • Self-bandaging techniques
  • Exercise/movement routines

Managing Lymphedema

We believe that prevention and control are key to managing this condition. We offer education and resources to help patients prevent complications and maintain their overall health.

Lymphedema can also develop as a side effect of certain surgical procedures. As part of our comprehensive approach, we work closely with patients who have undergone surgery, helping them navigate the potential onset of this condition.

Always Here to Offer Expert Care

We're committed to supporting our patients throughout their healthcare journey, offering the highest quality pain relief methods and physical rehabilitation. If you or a loved one is living with lymphedema, we invite you to schedule a consultation to discover how we can help. A physician prescription is needed, but patients can also call directly, and we will obtain the prescription and approval from your referring physician.

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